Its super-thin build and light weight let you tote it in a briefcase or bag without noticing it. 当你把它放在公文包或者背包里时,其超薄超轻机身使你近乎察觉不到它的存在。
Cut the graphic off the front or back and iron it onto a jacket, tote bag, or pillow. 剪下前后的图案或文字熨到夹克、手提包或枕头上。
Designer Charlie Lapson, who created the burgundy leather tote, says the fighting got so unbearable he was forced to create a different bag to keep the two actresses happy. 设计了勃艮第皮制手提包的设计者查理·兰普森声称争吵是如此的令人难以忍受以至于他被迫制造了一个不一样的包以让两位女演员高兴。
Sometimes I'll use a normal tote bag, but it has to be the right size, the straps long enough but not too long and so on. 有时我会用一个正常的手提袋,但它必须是正确的大小,但不带足够长的时间太长等。
Anderson said she knew the case contained a pistol, but had forgotten that it was in her tote bag, according to the sheriff. 安德森女士说,她知道那个盒子里放着枪,但忘记了盒子是放在她的皮箱里。由于被捕,她原计划前往巴哈马群岛的旅行被耽搁。
Tote: A medium to large bag with two straps. 有双背带的中等或大容量的包包。
A: Yes, a briefcase and a tote bag. 甲:有一个公事包和一个背袋。